Thursday, September 29, 2011


蘑菇汤 (稍嫌缺少蘑菇香味)

No. 7,9,11, Jalan Permas 10/5, Bandar Baru Permas Jaya, 81750 Masai, Johor D.T.
电话号码是607-386 3636 手机是010-760 2760.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Where to find vegetarian foods: (3) Senwell in Skudai, Johor

The next vegetarian restaurant I’m going to recommend is an air conditioned vegetarian restaurant which is located in Skudai, Johor, nearby Sutera Mall. The full address is No. 71, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/2, Taman Sutera Utama, 81300 Skudai and the contact number is 07-554 0871.

I have to thank a friend of mine who is an air conditioning contractor that recommends me this vegetarian restaurant. He knows that I am a faithful Buddhist who eats pure vegetarian foods for whole life. He, therefore, invited me to Skudai for the purpose of visiting Buddhist temples and at the same time spent me vegetarian lunch on one particular Saturday. His mother in law is also a Buddhist cum vegetarian, so he always brings her to various vegetarian restaurants for meals. 

This is the exterior appearance of Senwell Vegetarian Restaurant

Interior appearance of Senwell

The following were the dishes we ordered and enjoyed:

Curry mock lamb (it looks pretty good, right?)
This is vegetarian tom yam soup
Steamed mock fish
How could we only eat mock meat, let’s have a fried vegetable!
What do you feel after seeing these photographs of dishes? Feel hungry? Ha ha ha!
This vegetarian restaurant opened only at noon and evening and it is closed on Tuesdays. Make sure you don’t go on its rest days, otherwise you will be wasting your time.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


接下来要介绍的这间素食馆是间冷气素食馆,位于柔佛士古来, 靠近Sutera Mall。完整的地址是: No. 71, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/2, Taman Sutera Utama, 81300 Skudai. 电话是: 07-554 0871





Saturday, September 24, 2011

Malay traditional cuisine: Kelantan spicy wild vegetable rice

Plant colours nourish and rehabilitate our bodies and minds
plants that uptake sun light are rich in colour.
• wild plants or naturally grown plants contain the most colour, followed by organically grown plants and chemical fertilizer planted plants contain the least. If we eat chemical fertilizer planted plants, we are unable to obtain plant colour, our bodies will not get the colour and are more likely to get sick.
Malaysia has a tropical rain forest, plant colours are particularly rich and various types of wild plants and spices are particularly plenty. These conditions combined with our traditional cuisine cooking wisdom enable us to get healthy body and mind.

Spicy rice
Stir all leaves of spices, extract the juice and cook rice with the juice. In Kelantan tradition, the spices used by the Malays are approximately 20 over types. Over these 20 plus spices, you just have to use a few types of them, the main ones are pandan leaves, kaffir lime (
citrus hystrix) leaves, sauropus androgynus (also known as katuk, star gooseberry, or sweet leaf, is a shrub grown in some tropical regions as a leaf vegetable. In Chinese it is called mani cai (马尼菜); in Malay it is called cekur manis, sayur manis, or asin-asin), lemon grass, turmeric, turmeric leaves, galangal leaves, etc.
pandan leaves

kaffir lime (citrushystrix) leaves

sauropus androgynus

lemon grass


Long beans or green beans, slices of cucumber, slices of carrot, green bean sprouts, ginger flower powder, sub-clover powder, asam leaf powder, lemongrass powder.

A) Ingredient
1) Dried chili 100g
2) A little bit of coconut sugar (gula Melaka)
3) 1 or 2 lime
4) A bowl of thick coconut milk
5) Fried shredded coconut (small bowl), pounded until powder
6) 2 bowls of water
7) A little bit of salt

B) Method
Pound the dried chili to a paste, add coconut milk (5-6 tablespoons) on top of it, cook with low heat until oil appears, add all the coconut milk, water and fried shredded coconut. Cook with medium heat for 20-30 minutes, add salt and sugar, lastly add the lime into it.

(Source: Lapis Lazuli Light Malaysia)

Friday, September 23, 2011



·         植物因摄取阳光,含有丰富的色彩。

·         野生植物或是自然生长的植物色彩最多,有机生长次之,化肥种出来的植物色彩最少。如果我们吃化肥种出来的植物就吃不到色彩,身体就得不到色彩,也较容易生病。

·         马来西亚属于热带雨林,植物色彩特别丰富,而且野生植物和香料种类特别多,加上各民族传统烹饪料理的智慧,可以让我们吃出健康的身心。










A) 材料

1)辣椒干 一百克  


3)酸柑 一两粒    





B) 做法


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dark chocolate helps to reduce cardiovascular disease and stroke 黑巧克力有助于降低心血管疾病和中风

Perhaps the most painless path to better cardiovascular health is one that comes all-too-naturally to many people: eating chocolate. Earlier research had established a link between cocoa-based confections and lowered blood pressure or improvement in blood flow, which often attributed to antioxidants.

Oscar Franco and colleagues from the University of Cambridge reviewed half-a-dozen studies covering 100,000 patients, with and without heart disease, comparing the group that consumed the most and the least chocolate in each. They found that the highest level of chocolate intake was associated with a 37% reduction in cardiovascular disease, and a 20% drop in strokes, when compared with the chocolate-adverse cohort. But no significant reduction was reported in the incidence of heart attack.

The findings, alas, come with an important caveat: the healthful molecules are found in the bitter cacao, which grow on the cacao tree and are full of natural plant nutrients; not in the sugar and fat with which they are routinely combined. Commercially available chocolate is very calorific and eating too much of it could in itself lead to weight gain, risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Most of the studies to date highlight dark chocolate's health values because it has the highest percentage of cocoa solids, therefore more flavanol antioxidants. In fact, ounce for ounce, dark chocolate and cocoa have more antioxidants than do foods like blueberries, green tea and red wine.

Antioxidants work by protecting your cells from damaging molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are basically unstable oxygen molecules that can trigger changes in the structure of normally healthy cells. This damage is thought to be an underlying cause of many chronic diseases. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are a natural by-product of life, but as we get older the natural antioxidants our body makes to fight them off begin to decline. The best way to recharge your antioxidant power is to get them through your diet. Now you know why you are always told to eat more fruits and vegetables.







Friday, September 16, 2011

13 helpful uses of salt for health and beauty 盐的十三种有益健康与美容的用途

1. Gargling - Stir 1/2 teaspoon salt in an 8-ounce (236ml) glass of warm water for use as a gargle for sore throats.

2. Cleaning teeth - Mix one part salt to two parts baking soda after pulverizing the salt in a blender or rolling it on a kitchen board with a tumbler before mixing. Use this mixture to rub your teeth. It whitens teeth, helps remove plaque and it is healthy for the gums.

3. Washing mouth - Mix equal parts of salt and baking soda as a mouth wash that sweetens the breath.

4. Bathing eyes - Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a pint (473ml) of water and use the solution to bathe tired eyes.

5. Reducing eye puffiness - Mix one teaspoon of salt in a pint (473ml) of hot water and apply pads soaked in the solution on the puffy areas.

6. Relieving tired feet - Soak aching feet in warm water to which a handful of salt has been added. Rinse in cool water.

7. Relieving bee stings - If stung, immediately wet the spot and cover with salt to relieve the pain.

8. Treating poison ivy - Soaking the exposed part in hot salt water helps hasten the end to poison ivy irritation.

9. Relieving fatigue - Soak relaxed for at least ten minutes in a tub of water into which several handfuls of salt has been placed.

10. Removing dry skin - After bathing and while still wet give yourself a massage with dry salt. It removes dead skin particles and aids the circulation.

11. Applying facial - For a stimulating facial, mix equal parts of salt and olive oil and gently massage the face and throat with long upward and inward strokes. Remove mixture after five minutes and wash face.

12. Cooling body heat – mix some water and a little bit of salt on durian shell and drink the salt water after eating a lot of durians to help cool down your body heat.

13. Cooling body heat – add a little bit of salt into refreshing drinks to get better effect.
1.漱口 - 在一杯8盎司 (236毫升) 的温水搅拌1 /2茶匙盐,用这杯盐水来为喉咙痛漱口
2.清洁牙齿 - 混合一分盐和两分小苏打, 混合前先用搅拌机把盐搅碎或用棍子在板把盐压碎。这混合物可以美白牙齿,有助于清除牙垢和使牙龈健康
3.清洁口腔 - 混合等份的盐和小苏打作为漱口水,这可使气息香甜
4.清洗眼睛 - 混合1 / 2茶匙盐于一品脱(473毫升)的水,用这盐水来清洗疲劳的眼睛
5.减少眼部浮肿 - 一品脱(473毫升)的热水混合一茶匙的盐,用棉花浸泡在盐水后敷在浮肿的眼部
6.纾解疲惫的双腿 - 在已被添加了一把盐的温水中浸泡疼痛的脚过后在冷水中冲洗
7.舒解蜂蜇 - 如果被蜜蜂蜇伤,立即沾湿伤口, 然后敷上盐巴以缓解疼痛
8.治疗毒藤痛痒 - 在热盐水中浸泡染到毒藤的身体部分,有助于加快结束毒藤造成的痛痒
9.缓解疲劳 - 在已被加入几把盐巴的浴缸水里放松的浸泡至少10分钟    
10.去除死皮 - 沐浴后, 在还没抹干身体前, 用干盐按摩身体。这可去除死皮和促进血液循环
11.美容作用 作为美容用途,混合等份的盐和橄榄油,轻轻按摩面部和喉咙, 向上和向内的搓揉。五分钟后清除混合物,然后洗脸
12.消除热气 - 大量的吃榴梿后, 可用榴梿壳盛水, 加入少许的盐巴来喝, 这可帮助消除身体的热气。
13.消除热气 - 在清凉的饮料中添加少许的盐巴可提高消暑的作用。
(source: Saltworks)
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