Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lapis Lazuli Light: Harmonizing Chi (Chakra Breathing)调气可以康复身体

Emotions, thoughts and man-made electro-magnetic fields and chemical pollutants can all interfere with our energy levels, dragging us down. Chakras are the transformers of energy. Harmonizing chi combines visualizations and breathing to open and balance the chakras. It is helpful to release emotions and to clear residues of anesthetic.
1.       Bottom of the feet
Visualize on inhalation that the breath enters through the bottom of the left foot, goes up the leg and across the waist. On exhalation, the breath travels down the right leg and then goes out from the bottom of the right foot. Repeat 10 times (fig. 1).

2.       Bottom of the feet
Visualize on inhalation that the breath comes in through both feet to the heart. Upon exhalation, the breath goes back the same way, out from the bottom of the feet. Repeat 10 times (fig. 2).

3.       Knees
On inhalation, breathe in through the knees to the heart. On exhalation, breathe out through the knees. Repeat 10 times (fig 3).

4.       Root chakra
Breathe in through the Hui-Yin point (between urinary and rectum openings) to the heart. Breathe out through Hui-Yin point. Repeat 10 times (fig.4).

5.       Dan-Tian (Hara)
Breathe in through the lower abdomen to the heart. Breathe out from the heart back to the lower abdomen. Repeat 10 times (fig. 5).

6.       Navel Chakra
Breathe in through the solar plexus (just above the navel) to the heart. Breathe out through the solar plexus. Repeat 10 times (fig. 6).

7.       Heart Chakra
Breathe in through the heart and breathe out through the heart. Repeat 10 times (fig. 7).

8.       Throat Chakra
Breathe in through the indentation in the centre of the collar bone to the heart. Exhale through the throat chakra. Repeat 10 times (fig. 8).

9.       Eyebrow Chakra
Breathe in throw the fore head, in the middle of the eyebrows to the heart. Breathe out through the heart to the eyebrow chakra. Repeat 10 times (fig. 9).

10.   Crown Chakra
Breathe in through the top of the head to the heart, breathe out through the crown chakra. Repeat 10 times (fig. 10).

11.   Breathe in through the feet and through all the chakras and out from the crown. Repeat 3 times (fig. 11).

12.   Breathe in through the feet and the crown together to the heart. Breathe out from the heart to the feet and crown. Repeat 3 times (fig. 12).

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